The ThreatGrid Leaf

class cmaple.threatgrid.threatgrid.TG(**kwargs)[source]

This class defines the API interface for the FMC.

Inherits generic REST functionality from RestBase.

Overrides methods in RestBase where necessary.

Method names not beginning with “_” are made available to for use in operations config files.


__init__ receives a kwargs dict to define parameters. This allows __init__ to pass these parameters to the superclass.

Returns a ThreatGrid leaf object.


TG_host: string, keyword, default=None
The ip address or fqdn of ThreatGrid
TG_API_key: string, keyword, default=None
The ThreatGrid API key.
API_path_delimiter: string, keyword, default=’/’
The default delimiter for the API path.
API_version: string, keyword, default=’v2’
The API version supported by the target ThreatGrid.
verify: boolean, keyword, default=False
If True, verify the certificate. If False disable verification.
default_get_item_limit: integer, keyword, default=400
The default number of items to request in a GET request.
rpm_retries: integer, keyword, default=5
The number of times to retry in response to a 429 error.
backoff_timer: integer, keyword, default=30
The interval to wait between retry attempts
persist_responses: boolean, keyword, default=True
If True, responses will be pickle persisted by url into the leaf’s working directory.
restore_responses: boolean, keyword, default=False
If True, pickled persistent responses will be restored prior to all other operations.
leaf_dir: string, keyword, default=None
Provided by CMapleTree when this leaf type is instantiated. Contains the directory where working files for the leaf instance are stored.
_request_wrapper(recursed=False, **kwargs)[source]

Wraps all requests for a TG leaf in order to handle TG specifics. This should only be called by internal methods.


recursed: boolean, keyword, default=False
Signals if this is the top level call.
**kwargs: dictionary
Used to pass through arguments to wrapped methods.
get_datetime_obj(year=2018, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, tz_str='Etc/GMT-0')[source]

Gets a Python datetime object representing the given parameters.

Returns: Python datetime object


year: integer, keyword, default=2018
The datetime year
month: integer, keyword, default=1
The datetime month
day: integer, keyword, default=1
The datetime day
hour: integer, keyword, default=0
The datetime hour
minute: integer, keyword, default=0
The datetime minute
second: integer, keyword, default=0
The datetime second
tz_str: string, keyword, default=Etc/GMT-0
The datetime time zone
get_datetime_str(year=2018, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, tz_str='Etc/GMT-0')[source]

Gets a datetime string for the given parameters.

Returns: A datetime string formatted with strftime


year: integer, keyword, default=2018
The datetime year
month: integer, keyword, default=1
The datetime month
day: integer, keyword, default=1
The datetime day
hour: integer, keyword, default=0
The datetime hour
minute: integer, keyword, default=0
The datetime minute
second: integer, keyword, default=0
The datetime second
tz_str: string, keyword, default=Etc/GMT-0
The datetime time zone

Gets a datetime string for the current time formatted with strftime.

Returns: A datetime string for the current time formatted with strftime



get_datetime_delta_str(_strftime=None, days=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0, milliseconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0, weeks=0)[source]

Gets a datetime string for the delta with _strftime time formatted with strftime.

Returns: A datetime string for the current time formatted with strftime


_strftime: string, keyword, default=None
The base time formatted with strftime
days: integer, keyword, default=0
The +- number of days
seconds: integer, keyword, default=0
The +- number of seconds
microseconds: integer, keyword, default=0
The +- number of microseconds
milliseconds: integer, keyword, default=0
The +- number of milliseconds
minutes: integer, keyword, default=0
The +- number of minutes
hours: integer, keyword, default=0
The +- number of hours
weeks: integer, keyword, default=0
The +- number of weeks
free_form(base_paths=None, scope_params=None, responses_dict=None)[source]

Gets threatgrid samples.

Returns: a responses dictionary


sample_search_paths: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Defines the search parameters (e.g. checksum=<sha256>).
params: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Defines the search scope parameters (e.g. before=<strftime>).
responses_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Allows the caller to override the default behavior to store responses in the self.responses_dict. Useful if caller would like to keep the responses isolated.
search_samples(sample_search_paths=None, params=None, responses_dict=None)[source]

Gets threatgrid samples.

Returns: a responses dictionary


sample_search_paths: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Defines the search parameters (e.g. checksum=<sha256>).
params: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Defines the search scope parameters (e.g. before=<strftime>).
responses_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Allows the caller to override the default behavior to store responses in the self.responses_dict. Useful if caller would like to keep the responses isolated.
get_samples(params=None, responses_dict=None)[source]

Gets threatgrid samples.

Returns: a responses dictionary


params: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Defines the search scope parameters (e.g. before=<strftime>).
responses_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Allows the caller to override the default behavior to store responses in the self.responses_dict. Useful if caller would like to keep the responses isolated.
walk_samples(sample_id_paths=None, params=None, responses_dict=None)[source]

Walks threatgrid samples by id.

Returns: a responses dictionary


sample_id_paths: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Defines the paths to retrieve for each id.
params: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Defines the search scope parameters (e.g. before=<strftime>).
responses_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Allows the caller to override the default behavior to store responses in the self.responses_dict. Useful if caller would like to keep the responses isolated.
_prepare_url(url=None, params=None)[source]

Prepares the url by replacing parameter placeholders with values. This should only be called by internal methods.


url: string, keyword, default=None
The url to prepare.
params: dictionary, keyword, default=None
The parameters dictionary.
GET_API_path(url, include_filter_regex=None, exclude_filter_regex=None, stop_on_error=False, use_cache=False, responses_dict=None, get_item_limit=None)

Wrapper for a REST GET request.

***Inherited from RestBase…***

Returns a Python dictionary object containing the response results for the GET.

By default stores all responses in self.responses_dict unless a dictionary is passed in using the responses_dict parameter.


url : string
The starting url of the path to walk. Must be a fully valid FMC api “GET” path. url can include the host prefix or start from the resource path. If the host prefix is missing, it will be added automatically.
use_cache: boolean, keyword, default=False
If set to True, any path that has already been requested will not generate a new request
include_filter_regex: string, keyword, default=None
A regex string defining which urls to include in walk.
exclude_filter_regex: string, keyword, default=None
A regex string defining which urls to exclude from walk.
stop_on_error: boolean, keyword, default=False
If set to True, walk will halt when a non positive status code response is received.
get_item_limit: integer, keyword, default=25
Specifies the number of items to return for each GET request.
responses_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Allows the caller to override the default behavior to store responses in the self.responses_dict. Useful if caller would like to keep the responses isolated.
GET_responses_by_jsonpath(jsonpath, responses_dict=None)

Returns responses matching a jsonpath query.

***Inherited from RestBase…***

Returns - The matching responses.


jsonpath: string
The jsonpath query to match responses.
responses_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
The response dictionary to query.
_collect_responses(url, response_dict, responses_dict)

Utility method called by wrappers to request all pages for a given url. Normally not called directly.

***Inherited from RestBase…***

Returns a Python dictionary object containing the response results.

By default stores all responses in self.responses_dict unless a dictionary is passed in using the responses_dict parameter.


url: string
The url of the path to GET. Must be a fully valid FMC api “GET” path.
response_dict: dictionary
A dictionary reference updated by this method to include all responses.
responses_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Allows the caller to override the default behavior to store responses in the self.responses_dict. Useful if caller would like to keep the responses isolated.

Must override in parent class

***Inherited from RestBase…***


Must override in parent class

***Inherited from RestBase…***

_recurse_API_child_gets(url, use_cache=True, end_path_regex=None, include_filter_regex=None, exclude_filter_regex=None, stop_on_error=False, filtered=False, cache_hit=False, get_item_limit=None, responses_dict=None, parent_url='')

Handles recursion of a given url path. Normally not called directly but from a wrapper method. Begins at given API url path and recursively GET walks path and child paths until complete. Automatically handles pagination and discovery of child urls.

***Inherited from RestBase…***

Returns a Python dictionary object containing the response results for all url path GETs.

By default stores all responses in self.responses_dict unless a dictionary is passed in using the responses_dict parameter.


url : string
The starting url of the path to recurse. Must be a fully valid FMC api “GET” path. url can include the host prefix or start from the resource path. If the host prefix is missing, it will be added automatically.
use_cache: boolean, keyword, default=False
If set to True, any path that has already been requested will not generate a new request
include_filter_regex: string, keyword, default=None
A regex string defining which urls to include in walk.
exclude_filter_regex: string, keyword, default=None
A regex string defining which urls to exclude from walk.
stop_on_error: boolean, keyword, default=False
If set to True, walk will halt when a non positive status code response is received.
get_item_limit: integer, keyword, default=25
Specifies the number of items to return for each GET request.
responses_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Allows the caller to override the default behavior to store responses in the self.responses_dict. Useful if caller would like to keep the responses isolated.
parent_url: string, keyword, default=’‘
Specifies the url of the parent of this child url. Used to prevent recursion loops where the API model contains a circular object.
_set_json_properties_by_objectpath(json_dict=None, properties_dict=None)

Sets properties in json_dict from properties_dict.

***Inherited from RestBase…***

Returns - The modified json_dict.


json_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
The json_dict to modify.
properties_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
The properties to modify {property:value}.
chained_smart_get(base_paths=None, params=None, responses_dict=None, query_dict=None)

Gets threatgrid samples.

Returns: a responses dictionary


sample_search_paths: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Defines the search parameters (e.g. checksum=<sha256>).
params: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Defines the search scope parameters (e.g. before=<strftime>).
responses_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Allows the caller to override the default behavior to store responses in the self.responses_dict. Useful if caller would like to keep the responses isolated.
get_all_items(url, use_cache=True, end_path_regex=None, include_filter_regex=None, exclude_filter_regex=None, stop_on_error=False, filtered=False, cache_hit=False, get_item_limit=None, responses_dict=None)

Performs a get to retrieve the “Items” listing for the url.

***Inherited from RestBase…***

Returns a Python dictionary object containing the response results.

By default stores all responses in self.responses_dict unless a dictionary is passed in using the responses_dict parameter.


url : string
The url for which to retrieve the items list. Must be a fully valid FMC api “GET” path. url can include the host prefix or start from the resource path. If the host prefix is missing, it will be added automatically.
use_cache: boolean, keyword, default=False
If set to True, any path that has already been requested will not generate a new request
include_filter_regex: string, keyword, default=None
A regex string defining which urls to include in walk.
exclude_filter_regex: string, keyword, default=None
A regex string defining which urls to exclude from walk.
stop_on_error: boolean, keyword, default=False
If set to True, walk will halt when a non positive status code response is received.
get_item_limit: integer, keyword, default=25
Specifies the number of items to return for each GET request.
responses_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Allows the caller to override the default behavior to store responses in the self.responses_dict. Useful if caller would like to keep the responses isolated.
get_json_request(url, responses_dict=None)

Generic wrapper for a REST API GET request.

***Inherited from RestBase…***

Returns a Python dictionary object containing the response results for the Post.

By default stores all responses in self.responses_dict unless a dictionary is passed in using the responses_dict parameter.


url: string
The url of the path to GET. Must be a fully valid FMC api “GET” path. url can include the host prefix or start from the resource path. If the host prefix is missing, it will be added automatically.
responses_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Allows the caller to override the default behavior to store responses in the self.responses_dict. Useful if caller would like to keep the responses isolated.

Must override in parent class

***Inherited from RestBase…***

post_csv_template(url=None, file_path=None)

Reads a csv file containing flatlined records (flattened with output_transforms.flatten_json(json_dict) and posts each record individually to the target.

***Inherited from RestBase…***

Returns - No return value.


url: string, keyword, default=None
The target url to post records.
file_path: string, keyword, default=None
The full path to the file containing the csv records.
post_json_request(url, json_dict, responses_dict=None)

Generic wrapper for a REST API Post request.

***Inherited from RestBase…***

Returns a Python dictionary object containing the response results for the Post.

By default stores all responses in self.responses_dict unless a dictionary is passed in using the responses_dict parameter.


url: string
The url of the path to POST. Must be a fully valid FMC api “GET” path. url can include the host prefix or start from the resource path. If the host prefix is missing, it will be added automatically.
json_dict: dictionary, argument
The Python dictionary containing the request json
responses_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Allows the caller to override the default behavior to store responses in the self.responses_dict. Useful if caller would like to keep the responses isolated.
put_json_request(url, json_dict, responses_dict=None)

Generic wrapper for a REST API Put request.

***Inherited from RestBase…***

Returns a Python dictionary object containing the response results for the Post.

By default stores all responses in self.responses_dict unless a dictionary is passed in using the responses_dict parameter.


url: string
The url of the path to POST. Must be a fully valid FMC api “GET” path. url can include the host prefix or start from the resource path. If the host prefix is missing, it will be added automatically.
json_dict: dictionary, argument
The Python dictionary containing the request json
responses_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Allows the caller to override the default behavior to store responses in the self.responses_dict. Useful if caller would like to keep the responses isolated.
query_json_field(query_field=None, json_to_query=None)

Returns a list of objects matching the query_field query.

***Inherited from RestBase…***

Returns - A list of the matching objects


query_field: string, keyword, default=None
The field for which to query fields.
json_to_query: dictionary, keyword, default=None
The json dictionary to query.
query_json_field_from_url(query_url=None, json_to_query=None)

Returns a list of json fields matching an objectpath query.

***Inherited from RestBase…***

Returns - A list of the matching fields.


query_url: string, keyword, default=None
The url for which to query fields.
json_to_query: dictionary, keyword, default=None
The json dictionary to query.
query_with_list(query_url=None, query_list=None, responses_dict=None)

Iterates over and substitutes the values in query_list in query_url

***Inherited from RestBase…***

Returns - All responses obtained.


query_url: string, keyword, default=None
The url for which to query fields.
query_list: list, keyword, default=None
The list of values to iterate over and substitute in query_url.
set_json_properties(json_dict=None, properties_dict=None)

Sets properties in json_dict from properties_dict.

***Inherited from RestBase…***

Returns - The modified json_dict.


json_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
The json_dict to modify.
properties_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
The properties to modify {property:value}.
walk_API_path_gets(url, end_path_regex=None, include_filter_regex=None, exclude_filter_regex=None, use_cache=True, stop_on_error=False, get_item_limit=None, responses_dict=None)

Begins at given API url path and recursively GET walks path and child paths until complete.

***Inherited from RestBase…***

Returns a Python dictionary object containing the response results for all url path GETs.

By default stores all responses in self.responses_dict unless a dictionary is passed in using the responses_dict parameter.


url : string
The starting url of the path to walk. Must be a fully valid FMC api “GET” path. url can include the host prefix or start from the resource path. If the host prefix is missing, it will be added automatically.
use_cache: boolean, keyword, default=False
If set to True, any path that has already been requested will not generate a new request
include_filter_regex: string, keyword, default=None
A regex string defining which urls to include in walk.
exclude_filter_regex: string, keyword, default=None
A regex string defining which urls to exclude from walk.
stop_on_error: boolean, keyword, default=False
If set to True, walk will halt when a non positive status code response is received.
get_item_limit: integer, keyword, default=25
Specifies the number of items to return for each GET request.
responses_dict: dictionary, keyword, default=None
Allows the caller to override the default behavior to store responses in the self.responses_dict. Useful if caller would like to keep the responses isolated.
write_csv_template_from_response(response_json=None, file=<colorama.ansitowin32.StreamWrapper object>)

Flatlines response_json and writes to a csv record.

***Inherited from RestBase…***

Returns - The csv records.


response_json: list, keyword, default=None
The list of responses to write to csv.
file: file_handle, keyword, default=sys.stdout
The file_handle target for the csv records.